Beet Juice Tire Ballast is the heaviest non-corrosive tire ballast on the market
Never corrodes, performs in extreme cold weather, and heavier than water

Beet Juice never corrodes your rims
Completely non-toxic tire ballast
Biodegradable and water soluble
Non-corrosive unlike other ballasts
Heavier than water
Beet Juice Tire Ballast is 25% heavier than water
Weighs 10.7 pounds per gallon
Significantly cheaper than wheel weights
Rim Guard is
safe for animals
Beet juice is non-toxic
Safe for all livestock and land
Animal food-grade safe
Adding ballast to your equipment
has many benefits

Increases Traction
Most equipment has more pulling power and hydraulic lift capacity than their unballasted weight can effectively use.

Improves Efficiency
Putting ballast in tires puts the weight right where you need it - where the tire contacts the ground.

Enhances Stability
Adding tire ballast lowers the center of gravity in all equipment it is installed in.

Enhances Capabilities
When you have tire ballast you enhance the push/pull capability of your equipment, especially on turf, ice and snow.
Do you need your tires filled with beet juice tire ballast?
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